16 luglio 2020

Comunicato stampa associazioni europee - NRMM

Brussels, 13 July –
Last Friday 10th July, the European Parliament adopted a text extending by 12 months the Stage V transition deadlines for certain categories of engines to be fitted in non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) and tractors. The vote paves the way for the final adoption and publication in the Official Journal of the amended version of Regulation (EU) 2016/1628.
The European industry associations representing the NRMM sector, namely CECE, CEMA, EGMF, EUnited Municipal Equipment & Cleaning, Europgen and FEM, warmly welcomed the European Parliament support. Commenting on the vote, FEM Secretary General Olivier Janin said: “The Parliament’s vote was vital to prevent further economic damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to our manufacturing industries and protect thousands of qualified jobs that depend on them.”
The amended legislation provides an important measure to mitigate some of the most significant disruptions in the sector caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and delivers long-awaited legal certainty on the most urgent deadlines of 2020. In response to a joint industry request in March, the European Commission tabled a proposal in June to postpone the 30th June and 31st December 2020 deadlines for the production and placing on the market of NRMM fitted with <56kW and ≥130kW transition engines.
FEM Secretary General Olivier Janin continued: “Neutral from an environmental perspective, this measure will not soften the stringency of the European legislation. Instead, it will give our industry the necessary time to install transition engines, already acquired, in machines, place them on the market and be compliant with ever more demanding requirements. On the opposite, inaction would have led to unnecessary waste of raw materials and resources, in addition to the financial costs.”
The NRMM sector welcomed retroactive application of this legislative amendment, providing the necessary legal certainty to manufacturers. This was made necessary by the delayed decisions by the European Commission in presenting the legal proposal and a slight delay in the adoption phase.
Finally the sector calls on the Commission to continue to monitor the effect of COVID-19 on the industry and conduct a timely assessment of this impact, submitting a new report to Parliament and undertaking new legislative actions as appropriate.
For more information please contact Olivier Janin, FEM Secretary General, secgen@fem-eur.com.
About CECE
CECE, the Committee for European Construction Equipment, represents the interests of 1,200 construction equipment manufacturers through national trade associations in 13 European countries: Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Russia and Turkey. CECE manufacturers generate € 40 billion in yearly revenue, export a sizeable part of the production, employ around 300.000 people overall. They invest and innovate continuously to deliver equipment with highest productivity and lowest environmental impact. Efficiency, safety and high-precision technologies are key.
Contact: Riccardo Viaggi, Secretary General, riccardo.viaggi@cece.eu, www.cece.eu
About CEMA
CEMA (www.cema-agri.org) is the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry. With 11 national member associations, the CEMA network represents both large multinational companies and numerous European SMEs active in this sector. The industry comprises about 7,000 manufacturers, producing more than 450 different types of machines with an annual turnover of about €40 billion (EU28 – 2016) and 150,000 direct employees. CEMA companies produce a large range of machines that cover any activity in the field from seeding to harvesting, as well as equipment for livestock management.
Contact: Jérôme Bandry, Secretary General, sg@cema-agri.org, www.cema-agri.org
About EGMF
The European Garden Machinery Industry Federation – EGMF – has been the voice of the garden machinery industry in Europe since 1977. With 30 European corporate members and 7 National Associations representing manufacturers of garden, landscaping, forestry and turf maintenance equipment, EGMF has the most powerful network in this sector in Europe.   
Contact: Anne Claire Rasselet, Secretary General, secgen@egmf.org, www.egmf.org
The members of EUnited Cleaning are the major European manufacturers of cleaning systems for commercial and industrial use. The manufacturers offer high-tech solutions for floor and high pressure cleaning.
Contact: Dr. Peter Hug, Managing Director, peter.hug@eu-nited.net, www.eu-nited.net/eunited+aisbl/sectors/cleaning  
The EUnited Municipal Equipment sector represents the leading manufacturers of mobile machines used in municipalities and other public areas. We are the largest European network and service provider for the sector.
Contact: Frank Diedrich, Managing Director, frank.diedrich@eu-nited.net, www.eu-nited.net/eunited+aisbl/sectors/municipal-equipment
Established circa 1987 is the European Association for the Generating set industry within Europe. Its aim is to advise all its members of the new directives and information within this industry and promote unity.
Contact: Paul Blything, Secretary General, paul.blything@europgen.eu, www.europgen.eu  
About FEM
Founded in 1953, the European Materials Handling Federation represents, defends and promotes European manufacturers of materials handling, lifting and storage equipment. FEM consists of 15 members. Together, they speak for more than 1,000 companies (mostly SMEs) employing 300,000 people and with an annual production value of €62 billion.
Contact: Olivier Janin, Secretary General, secgen@fem-eur.com, www.fem-eur.com  
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