HI Annual Conference 2024 | Ponte Vedra Beach (Florida)

dom 25 febbraio

This event features an impressive program, including over 25 technical committee meetings, interactive industry roundtables, pump knowledge workshops, regulatory updates, highly regarded keynote speakers as well as a guest/spouse program.
The most up-to-date conference agenda session times and room assignments here>>
Assopompe members have the possibility to:
•    purchase the full ‘Conference Registration’ ticket which will include all Annual Conference events as well as the ISO/TC 115 meeting (the full program).  
•    choose the ‘Shortened Program’ ticket which is a reduced price and only includes activities on Wednesday & Thursday (Feb 28-29) (not included social activities such as eg the Golf Tournament can be purchased separately)
•    only attend the ISO/TC 115 meeting which is free but does not offer any other events/activities. 
Important Deadlines:
•    Early Bird Pricing expires January 12, 2024
•    Room Block Deadline: January 23, 2024, or until full - book early!
The room block is open for the resort hotel with a discounted rate of $279/night and discounted resort fee of $20/night. Reservations can be made here: https://book.passkey.com/e/50514430.
For any further questions please feel free to contact assopompe@anima.it or Denielle from HI directly (dgiordano@pumps.org).

domenica 25 giovedì 29 febbraio
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