Fiera Chillventa 2022

World’s Leading Exhibition For Refrigeration Technology

mar 11 ottobre 9:00

Chillventa facilitates direct interaction with a wide range of experts and highly qualified suppliers from around the world. The trade forums and the Chillventa CONGRESS bring international specialists together to talk about the latest developments and future trends in the areas of refrigeration, AC & ventilation and heat pumps. Chillventa is an absolute must for anyone who wants to keep up to speed with the key themes affecting the industry.

Success story: for more than a decade, Chillventa has been one of the most important events for everyone in the refrigeration, AC & ventilation and heat pump technology industry around the world. It has grown impressively since it was established in 2008. In 2018, 1,019 exhibitors and 35,490 visitors came to Nuremberg to attend the World’s Leading Exhibition For Refrigeration Technology. The success of the event impressed the professional world. The very strong international make-up of the event (exhibitors 67 percent, visitors 56 percent) also emphasizes the importance of Chillventa as a global trade fair.

Chillventa opening times - Exhibition Centre Nuremberg
11 October 2022 9:00 – 18:00
12 October 2022 9:00 – 18:00
13 October 2022 9:00 – 18:00

Chillventa CONGRESS opening times
10 October 2022 10:00 – 18:00

Events and programme 

martedì 11 giovedì 13 ottobre
dalle 9:00 alle 18:00
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