IOA (International Ozone Association) World Congress 2023 | Milano (Politecnico)

dom 2 luglio

26th World Congress & Exhibition 2 - 7 July 2023, Milan, Italy Ozone and Advanced Oxidation Leading-edge science and technologies
The upcoming congress will host experts from all over the world to present and discuss the latest advances in knowledge and technology for development and application of processes based on ozone or any advanced oxidation system for: 
Environment preservation and human health protection: water, gas, soil and waste purification, water reuse and recycling, recovery of valuables 
Industrial manufacture and conditioning: pulp and paper, agri-food, electronics, chemicals, oil&gas, … 
The IOA wishes to continue to offer the world the unique opportunity: 

  • To interface with scientists, researchers, students, engineers, users, technical experts, representatives of leading organizations from various disciplines,
  • To share the latest information on research topics, current issues, technologies under development, new applications, full-scale experiences, equipments and products, 
  • To consider and discuss directions able to deliver innovative, competitive and sustainable solutions which address current and next challenges. 

The congress will feature: 

  • Three concurrent scientific and technical sessions including keynote lectures, oral communications, short oral presentations with connected poster exhibition and workshops (3-5 July), 
  • Exhibition of Industry’s technologies, products and services (3-5 July), 
  • Technical visits of full-scale application plants (6-7 July), 
  • Social and cultural events for delegates and their guests: tours, congress dinner (2-5 July) 


Associazioni coinvolte
Aqua Italia

L'associazione Aqua Italia rappresenta, da più di 40 anni, i costruttori di impianti, accessori, componenti e prodotti chimici per il trattamento delle acque primarie (non reflue) per uso civile, industriale e per piscine. 

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