The webinar aims to give very practical and operational indications on the peculiarities of doing business in the Russian market and in the CIS countries with an example of the Kazakh market. It will take place in English with the participation of correspondents from Moscow and Almaty. The goal is to indicate how to approach the Russian market in terms of commercial strategy and operational activities. The presentation ends with the illustration of two case histories.
- Market outlook and expansion Strategy (Russian and CIS markets)
- How to effectively manage a sales, promotion & negotiation process
- Notes on local authorizations and legal compliance
- Be ready for the post-sale phase
- Case Studies
Kingsley Antonio Borello - Director, GruppoBPC International LTD
Ekaterina Reizman - Director, GruppoBPC Russia Branch
Anastasia Sadovnikova - Business Development Manager, GruppoBPC Russia Branch
Jannet Janseitova - Business Development Manager, GruppoBPC Kazakhstan Desk
Le presentazioni saranno tenute in lingua INGLESE
La partecipazione è a numero chiuso ed è gratuita, previa iscrizione online. Per ragioni tecniche della piattaforma, occorre effettuare una registrazione per ciascun appuntamento di interesse.
È opportuno verificare i seguenti requisiti: una connessione internet stabile (ADSL), un browser aggiornato e una connessione audio-video e l'autorizzazione all'applicazione GoToOpener. .
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